People in Canada should appreciate the constitution, because of it our lives are very different to other people in different countries. We have tons of freedom and everyone is pretty much taken care of and looked after the government. Some ways that people live in other countries is not healthy and in extremely bad conditions. Some kids don't even get a bed let alone a bedroom and it is so wrong. People everywhere should all be given and allowed equal rights. Just because someone lives in a different country or has different living conditions doesn't make them any less of a person. It's so wrong. People are given human rights for a reason. We are all human so we should all be allowed to have the same rights and privileges.
Semi. Four little words that end up stressing everyone out. Girls put so much effort into trying to look that certain way. Having the right dress, the perfect hair and make up and not to mention having the perfect date, or going with the right group of friends. Is it really worth all the stressing and worrying at the end of the day? Girls will spend days trying to find the right dress and to make sure it goes with the theme and what their friends are wearing and trying to look attractive. Whatever happened to just pleasing yourself and doing what you want, after all when its dark and the lights are up and everyone's dancing crazy and people are screaming, laughing, jumping, do people really even notice what you're wearing? Most girls just want to have that Cinderella moment when she walks in everyone stops and stares. The truth is real life is not a fairytale, the music isn't going to change into a slow magical song, everything's not going to turn into slow motion, and in boys opinions all girls look the exact same, and if you're just having a good time you and everyone else is going to have a blast.
It's really hard for me to choose who I am most excited to be hearing from when I attend the TEDx convention. All the speakers there have achieved major things in their lifes and deserve to be up there inspiring us. One person that I am really lookinig forward to seeing is Andrea Spaziani. She is a choreographer and preformer and has worked with a lot of amazing people around the world like Peter Katz(Juno nominee). I think being a dancer really persuades me to be really excited to be hearing from a dancer and hearing how shes made it through life as a dancer and the many things that she has accomplished. For sure this whole experience will be a once in a lifetime kind of thing.